Dee Family Endowment to enhance business faculty grants, curriculum development
It was 50 years ago that Raymond C. Dee’s father gave him the $10 application fee to apply to St. Bonaventure. Looking back over his successful career in the aluminum industry, the application fee was well worth his investment.
Today, the 1964 economics graduate and his wife, Maureen, of Naples, Fla., have made another investment in the University with the creation of The Dee Family Endowment for the School of Business.
The $450,000 endowment will benefit the University in perpetuity, providing funding to the School of Business faculty for curriculum development, research for new approaches and best practices, up-to-date technical equipment, and service learning programs.
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Upcoming Events
9/11 Prayer Service
Friday, Sept. 10
11:20 a.m., 9/11 Memorial near the front of Plassmann Hall
Special 9/11 Mass
Saturday, Sept. 11
8 a.m., University Chapel
Presiding at the Liturgy will be
Fr. John O’Connor, Provincial Minister of the Franciscan Friars of Holy Name Province
Food For Haiti Now: Food Packaging Event
Sept. 11
all day in the Reilly Center
Sign up here
Admissions Open House
Sunday, Sept. 19
All Bonaventure Views
"Miss Evers' Boys"
Wednesday, Sept. 22
6:30 p.m., Quick Center
Arthur O. Eve Higher Education Opportunity Program’s Honors/Chi Alpha Epsilon Reception for spring 2010 Recipients
Wednesday, Sept. 15
4:30 p.m.,
Hall of Fame, Reilly Center
Wind Soloists of New York
Friday, Sept. 24
7:30 p.m., Quick Center
BonaFit 5K Run/Walk on the Allegheny River Valley Trail
Saturday, Sept. 25
8:30 a.m., start at the SBU tennis courts
Register here
SBU Family Weekend
Sept. 24-27
Click here for Bonagany details
Francis Week
Sept. 27-Oct. 4
SBU Web site calendar
Electronic Integrated Calendar
University to set mock dorm room ablaze to call attention to residence hall fire safety
St. Bonaventure is doing everything it can to spark students’ interest in fire safety.
Under the watchful eye of Allegany firefighters, university officials will set a mock dorm room ablaze Sept. 15 to show students how quickly a residence hall room can be destroyed. Fire risk increases if students violate residence hall policy by, for example, lighting candles, cigarettes or incense; or using extension cords or space heaters.
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‘Fresh’ film features ‘new thinking about what we’re eating;’ Sept. 27 preview set at SBU
The public is invited to a local preview of “Fresh,” a documentary that celebrates the farmers, thinkers and business people across America who are re-inventing our food system.
“Fresh” will be shown at 7 p.m. Monday, Sept. 27, in The Regina A. Quick Center for the Arts. The presentation is hosted by the university’s Franciscan Center for Social Concern and Canticle Farm, a Community Supported Agriculture farm founded in 2001 by the Franciscan Sisters of Allegany.
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Symbolic donation helps freshmen learn the value of lending a helping hand
Have you ever heard someone complain that you can’t get anything for a dollar anymore?
Two St. Bonaventure freshmen will tell you that’s not so. They turned their $1 investments into $250 scholarships. Not bad, considering the original dollar bills didn’t even come out of their own pockets.
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An essay by Mark Phillips will be included in the anthology Contemporary Topics for College Students, forthcoming from Pearson Education.
Dr. Kimberly Young had the article “Policies and Procedures to Manage Employee Internet Abuse” published in the journal Computers in Human Behavior.
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Center News & Information:
• On- and off-campus recruiting is currently under way. Students seeking internships, part-time or full-time employment or networking opportunities are encouraged to check out the career/job fair calendar and the recruiting calendar
• The Career Center has updated and reformatted many of its web pages to assist in more efficient service to students. Included in these updates are a new student page and FOCUS, the Center’s online career development program for students of all majors.
SBU invites community to read ‘The Immortal Life’ best-seller, meet the author during her campus visit
Author Rebecca Skloot will discuss her best-selling book “The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks” during a public lecture at St. Bonaventure Wednesday, Sept. 29.
The program begins at 7 p.m. in the Reilly Center Arena and will be followed by a book signing.
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Ellicottville professional
to head Health Services
Brandon M. Coburn of Ellicottville has been named the new Health Services director at St. Bonaventure.
A board certified registered nurse and adult nurse practitioner, Coburn began his career at Erie Community College, where he earned his associate degree in nursing, summa cum laude.
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Friday Forum
Date: Sept. 10
Time: 12:30 - 1:30 p.m.
Speakers: Judge Lance Brennan and Sr. Patrolman Tim Peterson
Précis: Join Judge Lance Brennan and Sr. Patrolman Tim Peterson and find out what the “normal” weekend entails for a resident on the main streets of Allegany. We will go over some of the basic things seen daily, how our students throw away their education for a “good time” as well as fines that go along with many of the violations that occur in the village. Also tips to help you and your family stay fine free. It will be a fun, educational and sometimes scary talk. Bring your questions but not your tickets.
The Friday Forum is held in The University
Club and is generously subsidized by the President’s Office.

A-10 men's basketball
dates announced
The Atlantic 10 Conference has released the dates for its league games, with St. Bonaventure's slate highlighted by four television games and home-and-home pairings with Duquesne, Fordham and Rhode Island.