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Series 9 Media/Press
Series 9 contains most of the press and media materials
of the Walsh Collection. There are paper
copies of all press releases from
1994-2007, Congressman Walsh's
retirement materials, mailers, opinion
editorials and letters to the editor are
included in paper materials. In the
other media formats there are VHS tapes,
DVDs, cassettes and other media
containing interviews, debates,
political ads and miscellaneous videos.
Subset A--Documents
Subset B--Videos/DVDs
Series 9, Box 3 (VHS/DVDs '87-'95)
- Walsh/Pirro Debate '87, Jay Leno
- Dede Contact/Jack Mannion Show
3/24/88 Jim Walsh
- G.A. #880 10/24/88
- Campaign '88 Geddes Picnic
- CNN: Profiles in Government,
Congressman James Walsh, April 14, 1989
- Congressional Charity Basketball
Game - Gallaudet University April 18,
1989 - Dub 5/89
- Madison Central School Grad June 23,
- Dee Dee Walsh 1989 PSAs
- 10/29/90 Walsh v. Murray
- Congressional Charity Basketball
Gallaudet University 1990
- Jim Walsh Knights of Columbus
- CBS News 60 Minutes "Becky's Story"
Airdate: 02-24-91
- "Amo" Live on the Line August 27,
- New York, NAB Congressional PSAs
1991, Dee Dee Walsh - Breast Cancer
- Jim Walsh Knights of Columbus
- Jim Walsh 6/28/92
- Financial Fitness Show '92
- Rep. James Walsh 1 on 1 - 12/03/92,
01/26/93, 03/10/93, 05/12/93, 06/10/93
- 1993 NAB PSAs - Dede Walsh - Drug
Abuse, Education
- Econ. Outlook - Fin. Fitness 1/3/94
- Jim Walsh K of C 1/20/94
- Rep. Walsh 1 on 1 02/23/94 - Change
in Congress 12/03/92, w/Sheila Brown
09/22/93, w/Norman R. Augustine
10/13/93, w/Rep. Hougton and Joyce Razer
11/19/93, Rep. Walsh 02/23/94
- Debate Walsh vs. Jezer '94
- PBS Home Video Ken Burns' American
Collection The Congress
- "The U.S. Congress and You" -
Representative James Walsh - Sponsored
by New York State Electric and Gas Corp.
- 1994
- Rep. Walsh w/Rep. Boehner - 03/07/95
- Rep. Walsh, James with DeLay, Tom -
- Contract with America Celebration -
April 7, 1995
- "100 Day" Video A Contract with
America Celebration - May 1995
- National Memorial Day Concert 1995
- Farm Digest 7/15/95 & 7/22/95
- The Bloomberg Forum, United States
Congress - James Walsh (R-NY),
Congressman, Interview 7-25-95
- The Bloomberg Forum, United States
Congress - James Walsh (R-NY),
Congressman, Interview 7-25-95
- Rep. Walsh "One on One" 09/12/95,
- Floor Debate on H.R. 2546 D.C.
Approps FY 96 - 11/1/95
- Part of the Debate on the Rule for
H.R. 2546, D.C. Approps November 1, 1995
- Debate on D.C. Approps, FY 1996 Tape
#2 11/1/95 & 11/2/95
- Rep. Walsh w/OKE House Video 1 on 1
- 12/13/95
- T.V. 5 Interview on D.C. in D.C. '95
Series 9, Box 4 ('96-'99)
- Rep. Walsh 1 on 1 6/13/95, Also,
D.C, Approps FY 1996 Floor Debate
- Rep. Walsh 1 on 1 2/27/96
- Rep. Walsh 1 on 1 4/24/96
- Rep. Walsh 1 on 1 06/26/96
- 1996 Meet the Candidates, Cort.
Country Club Sept 24 (Womans Coalition)
- Cookfair Media - Jim Walsh "No
Sale" 9/25/96
- Cookfair Media - Jim Walsh
"Welfare" 9/25/96
- Sheryl Nathens re: AFL-CIO vs Walsh
- Onondaga County Veteran's Council
Veteran's Day Monday, November 11, 1996
- Walsh/Mack '96 T.V. 5 Debate
- Walsh/Mack '96 TV-24 Debate
- Hannity & Colmes 1/9/97
- Rep. Walsh BBA/Social Security & Yog.
Branch Championship 2/05/97
- Rep. Walsh 2/24/97
- Bipartisan Cons. Retreat April 26,
- Interview (5/97) w/Amb. Callagher
- Rep. James T. Walsh 6/25/97
- "Porter Pride" A Special Edition of
One on One with Congressman James T.
Walsh June 1997
- "Porter Pride" A Special Edition of
One on One with Congressman James T.
Walsh June 1997
- WCNY-TV "Central Issues" 8/29/97
- Rep. James T. Walsh 9/25/97
- The 104th Congress "Common Sense
Choices for a Better America"
- Rep. Walsh One on One w/Jim O'Connor
- Rep. Walsh One on One w/Jim O'Connor
- Rep. James T. Walsh 3/18/98
- Rep. James T. Walsh One on One
- Veteran's Day Ceremony 1998
- Rep. James T. Walsh One on One
- Rep. James T. Walsh One on One
- 5th Annual Veteran's Service Awar
- Rep. James T. Walsh One on One
- Rep. James T. Walsh One on One
- Town Meeting Video Conf. Rep. Walsh/OMAGH
NI/St. Vincent Academy/Bishop
Francis-Essex Catholic 5/6/99
- Everson Museum of Art: "An American
Picnic" Honoring Congressman James T.
Walsh & Former Mayor William F. Walsh
- 60 Minutes Segment - "Whose Land It
Is Anyway?" 5/23/99
- Governor George W. Bush -
Presidential Exploratory Committee, Inc.
June 1999
- Gone Fishing 8/18/99
- Gone Fishing 8/18/99
- Rep. James T. Walsh 9/22/99
- Rep. James T. Walsh 9/22/99
- "Baby Hearing Screening" October 24,
- Veterans Day War Memorial Ceremony
November 11, 1999
- Congressional Basketball '99
- Congressional Winter Olympic
Challenge 1999 - Lake Placid, NY
Series 9, Box 5 ('00-04)
- Central Issues 1/21/00
- WSTM "Our Community" Syracuse
Neighborhood Iniative 2/27/00
- Rep. James T. Walsh One on One
- Rep. James T. Walsh One on One
- Day of Honor Project 2000 -
Invisible Soldier, Unheard Voices
- WCNY Upstate Morning Interview with
Fran Galvin 7/31/00
- WCNY's Rally 10-16-00 25th District
- WCNY Interview October '00
- With Steve on Sunday - Carousel
Center Expansion - Recorded 12/6/00,
Aired 12/10/00
- Syracuse N. Hood Initiative 12/00
- WTVH Wed. 3/28/01
- The American Ireland Fund May 14,
- Le Moyne College 51st Commencement
May 20, 2001
- VA Secretary Anthony Principi Visit
Syracuse, NY June 18, 2001
- Day of Honor July 20, 2001
- Central Issues/Live from Lincoln
Center 9/21/01
- Financial Fitness - Economic Outlook
- Syracuse Neighborhood Initiative
PSAs November 2001
- Black History Month Program,
Syracuse VA Medical Center 2//19/02
- 2002 BoyPower with Walter Cronkite
April 3, 2002
- 2002 Ellis Island Medal of Honor May
11, 2002
- Walsh for Congress - JW-0202
"Testimony One" and JW-0203 "Testimony
Two" - 10/02
- Jim Walsh JW-0204 "Monroe" -
- Jim Walsh JW-0205 "Wayne" - 10/18/02
- Jim Walsh "Our Own" 10/26/02
- Veterans Day - November 11, 2002
- 2002 BoyPower Distinguished Citizen
- Congressman James Walsh
- 2002 BoyPower Distinguished Citizen
- Congressman James Walsh
- 2002 BoyPower Distinguished Citizen
- Congressman James Walsh
- Pirro 1-2-2003
- Central Issues - WCNY 1/28/03
- The Ireland Institue of Pittsburgh
"Walsh Visa Program" 2-10-03
- Graduate Commencement - St. John
Fisher 5-10-03
- Newshour-AmeriCorps 10/23/03
- Veterans Day Ceremony War Memorial
at Oncenter Nov. 11, 2003
- Economy Town Hall 12/16/03
- JTW on Hou. CNY 1/16/04
- AmeriCorps & Martin Luther King Day
- January 19, 2004 - Channel 2, 4 & 7
- By the People - Is Free Trade Fair
for Rochester 1/26/04
- Need to Know - By the People:
Plenary Session
- WXXI Channel 11 March 5, 2004
- Syracuse VAMC Spinal Cord Injury
Expansion April 7, 2004
- Rep. Walsh 10/7/04
Series 9, Box 6 ('05-07, Misc)
- BRAC Announcement 5/13/05
- WXXI Need to Know: Jim
Walsh/Liberian Refugees 7/8/05
- Central Issues w/Dan Cummings
9/23/05, Financial Fitness w/Dan Pluff
- Jim Walsh "Maureen" JW-0621 10/19/06
- WSTM Debate 10/22/06
- Campaign '06
- Dan Pluff '07
- Challenger Space Project -
Challenger Center
- Children's Friendship Project for
Northern Ireland (CFPNI)
- Cortland Dairy Parade
- Cracks in the Foundation
- Focus: Onondaga Lake
- FANGS/High Speed Chase
- Generations Building the Future
- Hearing Research Institute Inc.
"Universal Infant Hearing Testing"
- UPN 9 Investigative Report: FHA
Lending Abuses in New York City -
National Training adn Information Center
- Jim Walsh JW0001 "Initiative"
- Walsh for Congress JW-0401 "Water"
- Jim Walsh JW 0601 "Together"
- Jim Walsh JW 0602 "Independence"
- Jim Walsh JW0603 "Local"
- Jim Walsh JW0604 "Vets
- Jim Walsh JW 9801 "Fishing"
- Jim Walsh Cut 1 "Peacemaker" JW-9801
- Martha Walsh Hood MH0001 "Honor"
- Medicare Part D Pirro/Walsh
- Power of 3: Developing an Upstate
- Project Children: A Summer of Peace
- "Revolution" One Year to Victory
- SNI Spots - Tipp Hill, Lincoln Hill,
Westcott, S. Salina
- Syracuse VAMC 50th Anniversary
Anthony Principi
- "The U.S. Congress and You"
Congressman Jim Walsh
- Waco Tape 7/24
- Wolcott 200th Anniversary
- YAP Channel 3, Channel 9
- "Your Court System and You"
Representative James Walsh
- Your Vote
Series 9, Box 7 (Misc. Media)
 | Jim Walsh "He Delivers" JW-0201
September 17, 2002
 | Jim Walsh Radio "Investment"
JW-0207 October 24, 2002
 | Finger Lakes Water Resources,
Open Space and Agricultural
Conservation Project (FLWROA)
October 27, 2003 |
 | 2005 Year in Review - Onondaga
Lake Partnership
 | Optimax March 6, 2006 |
 | Revitalizing Downtown April 6,
 | Revitalizing Downtown April 6,
 | WCNY Debate 10/10/06
 | Distinguished Citizen Award 2006
 | Jim Walsh GE Groundbreaking
 | Onondaga Lake - How You Can Help
 | Walsh/Giuliani 5-22-07
 | Walsh/Blunt 6-4-07
 | ESF Science Corps @ Elmwood Park
w/Cong. Walsh 8/6/07
 | Congressional Family PSAs 2007
 | NAB Congressional Family PSAs
 | "Where We Stand" 2007
 | Need to Know January 11, 2008
 | Syracuse Neighborhood Initiative
Part I May 2008
 | Syracuse Neighborhood Initiative
Part II May 2008
 | Syracuse Neighborhood Initiative
Messages May 2008
 | Financial Crisis 9-25-08
 | Culumbia STS-107 Memoria, Fowler
High School, Syracuse, New York
 | Onondaga Lake Fishing - Reviving
a Lost Paradise
 | Republican Fundraiser Syracuse -
Jim Walsh w/Rudy Giuliani Tape 1
 | Republican Fundraiser Syracuse -
Jim Walsh w/Rudy Giuliani Tape 1 Cam
 | Truth - Valor - Courage |
 | Mini DV
 | Rep. Walsh Statement 10/4/07
 | Cassettes
 | TMR 9/18/86
 | Jim Walsh "Jobs" 6/29/88
 | NAB Congressional PSAs 1991 Dee
Dee Walsh "Breast Cancer"
 | Dede Walsh 1993 NAB PSAs "Drug
 | Walsh "Committment"
 | Walsh Legacy
 | Walsh Legacy
 | Jim Walsh "Solemnly Swear"
 | Mini Cassettes
 | 1A and 1B
 | 2A and 2B
 | 3A and 3B |
 | Metal Tape
 | Interview with Jim Walsh by Mark
Little RTE |
 | Recording Tape
 | 1993 NAB PSAs Dede Walsh "Drug
 | Walsh Disclaimers
 | Reagan
 | "Race for the Cure"/"Teacher
Appreciation Week"/"Women in Small
 | Video Tape
 | 1 - 1993 NAB PSAs Dede Walsh
"Drug Abuse"/"Education"
 | 2 - Reagan's Endorsement of
Walsh |
Subset C--Photos/Photo Albums