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Nov. 10, 2005
____________________ Students immerse themselves in the health
professions “The internship definitely strengthened my commitment to my career goals,” said Guppenberger. “All the doctors were great about talking to us and letting us know what it takes to get where we need to go and I’m really appreciative of that. It’s always nice to be able to see the people who are working in the profession you want to go into so you can see that they are real people too and that you can do this if you just put your mind to it and work hard.” The Science-based Student Internship is a cooperative program with the Olean General Hospital, Bradford Regional Medical Center, and The Pines Healthcare and Rehabilitation Centers, said Dr. Michael Domboski, assistant to the dean of Arts and Sciences for the Franciscan Health Care Professions Programs at St. Bonaventure. “This program offers students the opportunity for intensive lab work as well as the opportunity for rotations in different aspects of health care,” Domboski said. Domboski explained that under the internship program, students spend 40 percent of their time in the laboratory at St. Bonaventure; this summer, their project was cleaning and cataloging all of the histology slides the University owns — approximately 1,500 slides in all, according to Romy Knittel, lecturer in biology at SBU, who oversaw the students’ work in the SBU laboratory. “There are approximately 100 slides in a complete set of histology slides,” which catalog the tissues of the human body, Knittel explained. The students spent time studying each of the slides and learning about histology as part of the project. The lab work on campus helped Donahue to become comfortable using a
microscope. In addition to their work in the SBU lab, the students spent two days each week at Olean General Hospital and Bradford Regional Medical Center, where they learned about histology, chemistry, special chemistries, hematology (the study of blood), blood banks and microbiology, with opportunities for rotation in pharmacy and radiology after completing their lab work. At The Pines, which provides long-term care and short-term rehabilitation services operated by Cattaraugus County, they learned about routine resident care, physical therapy and rehabilitation three half days each week. The hospital visits helped to round out their lab work, Guppenberger said. “In turn, we got to see the way that slides were made when we went to the hospitals, which was great because it put the whole thing together for us,” she said. “We were with the doctors when they examined the tissues and cut the sections, and then we saw the tissues embedded, cut, put on slides and stained. It was really interesting.” Veeder said that the hospital histo-pathology laboratory visits were the most intense and memorable part of the experience. “We also shadowed radiologists and went in and out of the chemistry labs, blood labs and the pharmacy. The best part was that we were able to see the entire process. I was lucky to see a woman undergo a lung biopsy, and then see the pathologist come to get the specimen. In this one event, I was able to see the tie between the actual patient work and the lab work that is necessary.” Despite the hard work, he enjoyed working with patients at The Pines. “It was obviously rewarding to be able to help out the workers there, and I could recognize that the residents enjoyed our presence. In some cases, it was a lot of work, but it felt necessary in order to achieve a full experience of the medical field.” “It also strengthened my goals in that I was able to see how vast a field medicine is, and I see now that what lies before me is a vast amount of opportunity that I can’t wait to be involved with,” Veeder said. Domboski added special thanks to Dr. Robert Krall, laboratory director and chief of pathology, Dr. Richard Scott, and Gail Bagazzoli, R.N., head of education, all at Olean General; Dr. Ross Horsley, emergency room director, Dr. David Godfrey, urologist, Dr. Sayed Ally, laboratory medical director, and Billie Shepard, director of the laboratory, all at BRMC; and Maureen Mooney-Myers, R.N., administrator at The Pines in Olean, all of whom were instrumental in establishing the student rotation schedules. “Next year, we hope to expand the programs with practical rotations in general surgery, operating room, cardiology and the intensive care unit,” Domboski said, adding, that the internship will involve a different SBU lab-based project in the sciences. “My experience over the summer has definitely strengthened my commitment to my career goal of becoming a doctor,” Donahue said. She added that while she was impressed with the dedication of the staff at The Pines, she now knows that geriatrics will not be her chosen field, “ but I would look forward to shadowing another medical profession if I had the opportunity to do it again.” The Science-based Student Internship got its start when Knittel wrote the grant application that earned the program $7,000 from The Journey Project, funded by a $2 million grant from Lilly Endowment Inc. “It was in the spring semester when they approached me and said, ‘Oh, Romy, wouldn’t it be cool if we could be here this summer and you could teach us histology?’“ Knittel said. Wanting to encourage their enthusiasm, she spent her Memorial Day weekend writing the grant application. That dedication and commitment to enhancing the students’ academic experience impressed Donahue: “I am not sure there are many other universities out there where a professor will take time to create an entire internship program for a few interested students,” she said. The program is currently seeking interested applicants for summer 2006; any science major who has completed his or her freshman year and has an interest in the health care field is invited to apply. For more information, contact Knittel at ext. 2486 ormailto:%20rknittel@sbu.edu or Domboski at ext. 2656 or mdombosk@sbu.edu. The internships are part of a new endeavor to improve participation in the sciences at SBU. Along with the internships, St. Bonaventure has added the Franciscan Health Care Professions Programs, which welcomed their first students this fall at St. Bonaventure. Admission to the Franciscan Health Care Professions Programs, a set of dual-admissions agreements between SBU and leading medical institutions, saves students time, money and, in the case of George Washington University Medical Center and Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine, can guarantee them medical school placement without taking the Medical College Admission Test. The programs emphasize the desire to serve others as an important prerequisite for applicants, and includes a summer of service to the needy as an important aspect of the programs. Currently, the Franciscan Health Care Professions Programs include agreements with The George Washington University School of Medicine, Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine and its School of Pharmacy, and the University at Buffalo School of Dental Medicine. Generally, the programs require that applicants score either a 1200 or 1300 on the SAT, maintain a high school average of 90 percent or higher and be in the top 10 percent of their high school class and establish a record of community service, but each program has very specific and demanding entrance and maintenance standards. For more information, please contact Domboski at mdombosk@sbu.edu, or visit the University Web site, www.sbu.edu and click on Academics, then Arts and Sciences, select Preprofessional Programs, and then select Pre-Medicine and other Health Sciences. Click here to return to the top of the page _____________________ St. Bonaventure celebrates International Education Week
At SBU, the focus of events for the week will center on international students pursuing academic programs in America and overseas academic opportunities for American students to study abroad. The University will celebrate the week with a series of events, workshops and activities for the SBU and local community. The international dinner traditionally begins International Education Week at St. Bonaventure. Open to the public, the Nov. 13 dinner will introduce attendants to entrees and desserts from all over the world. A multi-cultural Mass will also be held on Nov. 13. Friars Marek Stybor, O.F.M., a native of Poland, and Jose Francis, O.F.M., from India, will concelebrate the evening Mass. The University will conduct a two-day Study Abroad Fair as well as workshops on both studying abroad and getting jobs in the global community. During the week, SBU-TV will run programming to highlight SBU study
Specific activities and details include: • Nov. 13 International Dinner 5 p.m. The International Student Association, with support from International Studies, will kick off the weeklong celebration with its annual dinner. Social hour will begin at 5 p.m. and will include displays from students’ home countries. A buffet will begin at 6 p.m. with entrees and desserts from all over the world. The event is open to the public. Reservations are appreciated and can be made by calling Carol Higley at (716) 375-2514. • Nov 13 Multi-Cultural Mass 9 p.m. International and foreign language students will assist in the liturgy, which will include prayers and hymns from various countries. The event is open to the public. A reception will follow. • Nov. 14 Study abroad Fair 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. This annual two-day event will highlight SBU study abroad options; this will also be an opportunity for students to meet and chat with study abroad alumni. • Nov. 14 Job Search for International Students 12:30 p.m. This workshop, offered in collaboration with the Career Center, is specifically designed for international students interested in pursuing internships or professional positions related their academic disciplines. • Nov. 15 Study Abroad Fair 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Students selected for the F. Donald Kenney International Scholars Award will be announced during the fair. Funds from the Award will be used for SBU students planning to study in Ireland for spring 2006. • Nov. 15 Multi-Cultural Evening Away 4 p.m. – 10 p.m. If you missed the multi-cultural evening away last semester, plan on joining us at the Mountain for a different kind of evening away. Transportation will be provided. Sign-up sheets are in University Ministries. Participants who are able are asked to bring a dish to pass. • Nov. 16 Teaching English Abroad 2:30 p.m. (Open to all majors) This workshop will be offered in cooperation with the Career Center. Dan Gattuso, an SBU alumnus who has taught in China, Qatar and France will present an overview of his experiences and give students solid information to pursue teaching opportunities overseas. This session is open to students from all majors. Established in 2000 by the Clinton Administration, International Education Week promotes and celebrates cultural diversity and international education. Both financial and educational institutions are encouraged to hold activities that honor this multiculturalism. International Education Week is celebrated during the second week of November. In 2001, the Bush administration committed to continue this tradition, declaring the week of Nov. 13-18 as International Education Week this year. St. Bonaventure University is proud to host 52 international students from more than 20 countries. Each year, more than 100 SBU students choose to spend time in another country, pursuing either a summer or semester academic program abroad. For additional information about the week’s events or information about SBU international programs, contact Alice Sayegh, director of International Studies, at (716) 375-2574. Click here to return to the top of the page _____________________ St. Bonaventure's Franciscan Institute receives anonymous $1.2 million bequest
The bequest, announced during the second annual Fr. Ignatius Brady, O.F.M. Memorial Endowment Lecture, will establish The Boehner, Buytaert, Wolter Endowment at the Franciscan Institute. It is named in honor of three renowned Franciscan Institute scholars: Fr. Philotheus Boehner, O.F.M. — founder of the Institute in 1939, Fr. Eligius Buytaert, O.F.M. — second director of the Institute (1955-1961), and Fr. Allan Wolter, O.F.M. — world-renowned expert on John Duns Scotus and former Fr. Joseph A. Doino, O.F.M. Visiting Professor of Franciscan Studies, who retired in 2002 after 60 years of dedicated scholarly work. The income generated by the fund will provide financial support for attracting speakers, lecturers, researchers and teachers of Franciscan Studies to the Institute. “The new BBW Endowment — as we have fondly taken to calling it — is a marvelous tribute to the teaching careers and scholarly work of three extraordinary friars who taught at the University during the early decades of the Institute’s existence,” said Fr. Michael F. Cusato, O.F.M., director of the Franciscan Institute and dean of the School of Franciscan Studies. “But it also testifies to the sincere commitment of a very generous friend to ensure that the work of the Institute will perdure well into the future and continue to benefit not only the Franciscan Family but also the scholarly community the world over,” he continued. “My colleagues and I are enormously grateful for the gift from this magnanimous benefactor and we are honored that the benefactor desires to see our scholarly endeavors continue in the tradition of these three great men.” The endowment will enable the Institute to invite internationally acclaimed scholars to campus — on an occasional or more permanent basis — in order to enrich the community with their particular area of expertise as well as to fund resident faculty whose contributions are vital to the scholarly endeavors of the Institute. Funds will be used as well to welcome to campus, particularly during the summer sessions, speakers and lecturers whose signal expertise in the various areas of Franciscan studies – for example, philosophy, theology, spirituality, history and art - will be able to benefit the widest number of interested students and scholars. The Franciscan Institute, which boasts a magnificent library of both medieval and modern sources, is the pre-eminent center in North America of teaching, research and publication on the history, spirituality and intellectual life of the Franciscan movement. The Institute first gained international prominence through its research on the great intellectual figures of the Franciscan tradition, notably William of Ockham and John Duns Scotus, resulting in the publication of critical editions of their works which were heralded the world over as demonstrating the very highest standards of scholarly research and publication. In response to the call of the Second Vatican Council for religious communities to return to the original sources of their charism, the Institute quickly developed several graduate programs of study that now grant degrees through the School of Franciscan Studies, the teaching component of the Franciscan Institute. Building upon its international reputation in the academic world, Franciscan Institute Publications has more recently turned its attention to providing the very finest in current scholarship on the Franciscan tradition through an increasing number of monographs and new series bridging the medieval and contemporary worlds. The gift assists in increasing the endowment generated by the University’s “Anniversary Campaign for St. Bonaventure.” On Sept. 16, the University announced a campaign goal of $90 million, of which more than $57.7 million has been raised during the campaign’s quiet phase. The public phase of the campaign, named in honor of the University’s sesquicentennial of its founding, will culminate at the close of the University’s sesquicentennial year of 2008-09. Click here to return to the top of the page _____________________
Students study in England through St. Bonaventure Oxford Program
The six-week program immersed students in the academic and cultural richness of Oxford, England as well as provided the opportunity to experience other European cultures. The program allows students to take up to seven credits in a variety of classes such as British/American Media and Culture, International Business, British Drama, Shakespeare and many more. All classes allow students to meet with their Oxford professors in one-to-one discussions as well as attend seminar workshops. “The program is unique because of the connections between the shows, the side trips and the coursework,” said associate program director and associate professor of English Dr. M.W. Jackson. “The students gain the same kinds of experiences as traditional Oxford students --- academic, cultural and social.” “The academic environment of Oxford is challenging and stimulating. It encourages Bona students to embrace a more rigorous course of study then they are probably used to. Personally, I was relieved by my academic experience of Oxford,” said senior and resident assistant Andrea Kelley. “My expectations and the rising level of angst were assuaged by understanding tutors; tutors who were brilliant, but also aware of the fact that we as students had never experienced learning in the Oxford setting.” In addition to academic offerings, students can enjoy options such as soccer games, high tea in Oxford and London, Evensong at Christ Church Cathedral, weekly meditation and prayer sessions at Somerville College and Shakespeare’s plays at the local Oxford colleges. And because there are no weekend classes in Oxford, students enjoyed sightseeing tours to places such as Bath, The Lake District and Stonehenge, as well as arts performances in London’s West End and Stratford-upon-Avon. Students are also given the chance to take a European travel weekend and this year students traveled to locations such as Ireland, Italy, the Czech Republic, England, France and Spain. “I’m sure I can speak for many students who were on the trip in saying that this was one of, if not the most memorable experience I’ve had at St. Bonaventure,” said senior and resident assistant Daniel Foust. This past summer was arguably one of the most unique the program has ever seen. The many memorable trips included a day excursion to Stonehenge. Due to the generosity of Karen and Michael Brannick, students and staff were given the chance to walk the grounds and touch the rocks of Stonehenge, which is normally allowed a few times in a given year. The Brannicks’ daughter, SBU senior Caitlin Brannick, was a student in the Oxford program two years ago. The director of the program is Br. Basil J. Valente, O.F.M., lecturer in the Russell J. Jandoli school of journalism and mass communication at SBU. He said it was evident that the community spirit at St. Bonaventure University was transported and enriched at Oxford. “The opportunity to get to know the students and colleagues during the 2005 experience at Oxford inspired me beyond anything I could possibly imagine,” said Valente. He went on to say, “It remains a privilege to journey with these men and women in the name of St. Bonaventure.” Students also took part in a service work project for the first time in the program’s history. Senior Andrea Kelley, along with the help of the Oxford program directors, searched for a service opportunity in the Oxford community. They found the Gate House soup kitchen, which was a five-minute walk from campus. Each day, three people including students and staff members would help out at the Gate House for two to three hours per evening for one week. Kelley came up with the service component idea long before she even applied for the Oxford Program. She was inspired by one of her friends that no matter where she traveled in the world that she would not just be a tourist in another country. “I think that to really be in solidarity with people from all over and from all walks of life, you have to step out of your comfort zone and go to those who are in need. These may include places you might not want to go, or places where no one would want to follow you, but you go anyway,” said Kelley. And sometimes doing service work does not always give you a great feeling. “My experience of the Gate House reminded me that you are not always glorified by service work. Sometimes you scrub pots and pans and plates for two hours and feel you haven't really made a difference, but the point is that you have,” said Kelley. “Just our presence at the Gate House was meaningful; to say that college students from the States want to give something back to the community that has graciously welcomed them for a few weeks was I'm sure appreciated,” said Kelley. Many students felt the service component was a vital aspect to the trip. “It was a great idea. You’re a temporary resident of Oxford, a place which we all valued very much, so I think it was important for us to give back in some way,” said junior Craig Vicini. The St. Bonaventure community was also treated with a visit from Board of Trustees member Kathleen Brownschidle. She is the vice president and CFO of Budget Rent-A-Car. It was the first time a board member has been able to visit the Oxford program. Students and staff also experienced some difficult and challenging times on the trip. On July 7, London’s bus system and underground network was bombed. According to the BBC, 52 people were killed and many more were injured. St. Bonaventure students and staff were touring London the day before the attacks. During the fallout of the terrorism attacks, students, program directors, and members of the Oxford community considered the vital impact of terrorism on a global scale. As far as students of the St. Bonaventure community who were at Oxford, the situation raised their collective consciousness as a group studying in England. Junior dean and residence director Dave Rust said there was a unique sense of community with everyone in the program. “The students really took advantage of Oxford, it seemed as if everyone was doing something different every day,” said Rust. “With everything that happened this summer there was something going on that was more than just friendship. I think there was a real bond with many of the people on this trip.” He went on to say, “There was such a high quality of character and high respect for each other and the community of Oxford.” Along with Valente and Jackson, staffing the 2005 program were University registrar and program supervisor Heather Jackson and junior dean and residence director Dave Rust. Student resident assistants were Andrea Kelley, a senior from Montgomery, N.Y.; and Daniel Foust, a senior from Pittsburgh. Other students participating in the 2005 Oxford program were Matthew Agostinelli, a senior from Rochester, N.Y.; Bethany Bachman, a sophomore from Spinnerstown, Pa. and a student at John Carroll University, in Cleveland; Mandy Bottomlee, a senior from Olmsted Township, Ohio.; Melissa Chase, a sophomore from Lyndhurst, Ohio.; Candace Churchill a junior from New York City; Katherine Clark, a junior from Ghent, N.Y.; Joseph Davey, a sophomore from Winsted, Conn.; Jordan Eimer, a senior from Orchard Park, N.Y.; Benjamin Gregg, a senior from Cleveland; John Kennedy, a senior from Buffalo, N.Y.; Jaymie Lanera, a senior from Amawalk, N.Y., who is currently studying in France; Barbra Lewis, a sophomore from Warren, Ohio and a student at John Carroll University, in Cleveland; Kara Manning, a senior from Olean, N.Y.; Lauren Mansfield, a senior from Herndon, Va.; Angela Matthews, a junior from Queens Village, N.Y., who is currently studying in Spain; Sarah McCue, a junior from Newark, N.J.; Elaine Nessle, a senior from Corning, N.Y.; Thomas (T.O.) O’Brien, a junior from Canajoharie, N.Y.; Jessica O’Day, a senior from Binghamton, N.Y.; Carrie Peterson, a junior from Kennedy, N.Y.; Lisa Ranous, a junior from Clifton Park, N.Y.; Emily Schaeper, a sophomore student from the University of Buffalo and Buffalo, N.Y.; Leah Schweikhard, a sophomore from Orchard Park, N.Y.; Hallie Steube, a junior from Viejo, Calif.; Kera Strong, a senior from Victor, N.Y.; Joseph Tavares, a junior from Greenwich, R.I.; Julissa Torres, a junior from Bronx, N.Y.; Kimberly Trimboli, a sophomore from Goshen, N.Y.; Rebecca Verhayden, a junior from Schenectady, N.Y.; Craig Vicini, from Russell, Pa.; Katherine Vorndran, a junior from Pittsford, N.Y.; Matthew Wilber, a sophomore from Columbia Cross Roads, Pa.; and Kyle Young, a senior from Syracuse, N.Y. The application process for the 2006 edition of the Oxford program ended last week. The program received many competitive applications for next year. Valente said that there seems to be a high interest in the Oral Communications class as well as the Modern Ireland and International Business classes. For more information on the Francis E. Kelley Oxford Program, please visit the Oxford Program web site at http://oxford.sbu.edu/index.html. You may contact Br. Basil at St. Bonaventure’s Russell J. Jandoli School of Journalism and Mass Communication, Room 216 of the The John J. Murphy Professional Building, by phone at (716) 375-2579, or by e-mail at bvalente@sbu.edu. Click here to return to the top of the page _____________________
Faculty to collaborate on recruitment, retention, transfers
Dr. Patrick Casey, chair of the Senate, welcomed the group and introduced Sr. Margaret Carney, University president, who listed the four goals of the meeting: • To stress the importance of faculty and staff involvement in the
admissions recruiting process. Jim DiRisio, director of admissions, presented information on the admissions process and enrollment trends at the University, and Mary Piccioli, dean of enrollment, outlined the work of the ad hoc task force and admissions initiatives to date, including notifying admitted students earlier with notification of scholarship information, providing faculty with contact information for prospective students earlier, and expanding scholarships in the region. DiRisio mentioned several areas of faculty involvement including: • Participating in on-campus events. She encouraged those attending to join one of the four focus areas of
the task force, which include: A brief meeting time followed for those interested in each area, with a substantial turnout for each area of interest. Those who were unable to attend are encouraged to contact the coordinator for each area or their department chair. Click here to return to the top of the page _____________________ Australia added to the New Zealand/Fiji study abroad program
Dates and locations for each of the four sessions are as follows: Session 1, May 19 to 30 New Zealand; Session 2, May 19 to 30, Australia; Session 3, June 1 to 8, Fiji; and Session 4, June 1 to11, New Zealand. Each session is the equivalent of three credits, and students can attend more than one session. Credit is available in marketing, management, political science, economics and MBA. Trips to the field will be made to destinations in New Zealand, including Christchurch, Paparoa National Park, Fox Glacier, Queenstown, Fiordland National Park, Kaikoura, Blenheim, Wellington, Moteueka and Abel Tasman National Park. Destinations in Fiji include Nadi, Suva and the Yasawa Islands. In Australia students will have the opportunity to tour the Sydney Olympic facilities and visit the Great Barrier Reef. There are many fun and interesting educational opportunities available to students in this program. John Watson, visiting professor at St. Bonaventure University, said, “One day the students are listening to Phil Benoit, the general manager of the Canterbury Rams (New Zealand Basketball League), and the next day they are swimming with dolphins in the Kaikoura Waters. It was amazing.” The study abroad program is designed to allow students to develop a
working knowledge of business and management in New Zealand, Fiji, and/or
Australia through field experiences, seminars and presentations. Through
the program, students gain an appreciation for the importance of cultural
differences when conducting business. Lindsay Saternow, a senior marketing major from Oswego, N.Y., said, “It was an awesome combination of adventure and learning.” The students are not the only ones who enjoy being outside of the ordinary classroom environment. The professors find it refreshing and see the benefits of the program. “It was a great opportunity for the students and they had a great time. It’s not often that we teach outside of the typical classroom environment, much less in another country. By doing so we were able to demonstrate how different cultures can influence common business practice,” said Watson. The fee for the New Zealand sessions will be $2,300, the fee for the Fiji session will be $2,100, and the fee for the Australia session will be $2,400. The fee includes tuition, accommodations, travel, activities and most meals. Air travel to and from the program is not included. Those interested in the program may contact ISPS@sbu.edu or visit the Web site at http://web.sbu.edu/studyabroad/nz_fiji/. Click here to return to the top of the page _____________________ St. Bonaventure University kicks off internal campaign
Last year, faculty and staff participation in the internal campaign was 43 percent; this year’s goal is to reach 55 percent. While the demands for donations have greatly increased throughout the world, University president, Sr. Margaret Carney, O.S.F., S.T.D., says she is certain that the Bonaventure community will come together to support this campaign. “All of us are conscious of the extraordinary demands for charitable giving that U.S. citizens are dealing with this year,” she said. “From the Tsunami last Christmas to the ravages of Katrina and Wilma, tolls in deaths and damages have created ‘donor fatigue’ for thousands. Still I have confidence in making this request.” Marcell Mallette, director of the Annual Fund, said that a strong show of internal participation is an expression of confidence in the University’s leadership and direction. “Foundations, corporations and other prospective donors do consider the level of support provided by those closest to the University when determining whether they will give to St. Bonaventure,” said Mallette. In addition, Mallette explained that The Bonaventure Fund is a critical
component and priority of the Anniversary Campaign. “The University
depends on the ongoing annual gifts from its faculty, staff and other
constituents to help the University reach its campaign
goal” Faculty and staff can use the pledge form they received in the mail to make a donation to the internal campaign. One of the easiest ways of giving is through payroll deduction, which is automatically deducted from an individual’s University paycheck. If anyone has questions about making a gift or the internal campaign, please contact the annual fund office. Click here to return to the top of the page _____________________
New education professor comes from Syracuse to Bona's Former Syracuse University professor David Smukler has joined St. Bonaventure University’s School of Education. Smukler taught education and special education from 1998 to 2004 at Syracuse University. While teaching at Syracuse, Smukler taught children at the local Jowonio School. He was the special education coordinator and teacher in collaborative model between Jowonio and the SU Child Care Center. Smukler believes this program was founded largely because of his efforts. “I teach a mix of undergraduate and graduate classes. I am teaching courses related to the inclusion of children with special needs, and classes related to assessment and positive behavioral support of people I like to characterize as non-standard learners,” Smukler said. Smukler graduated from Oberlin College in 1975 with a bachelor’s degree in Comparative Religions. He later received the Graduate School All-University Master’s Prize while he studied for his master’s degree in special education at Syracuse University. Smukler is currently pursuing his Ph.D. in special education at Syracuse and expects to receive it in the spring of 2006. He is the author of the article “Unauthorized Minds: ‘Theory of Mind’ Theory Misrepresents Autism,” which was published this past February in Mental Retardation, and a chapter in “Taking Turns: Collaborative Teaching,” a reference for graduate students and faculty. Smukler said he appreciates the warmth of the welcome he has received at the University and SBU seems like an engaging and supportive place to work. Click here to return to the top of the page _____________________ University mourns death of longtime professor Cole Young The University community is mourning the death of longtime professor of visual arts J. Cole Young. Cole died Tuesday, Nov. 1, at Olean General Hospital after a valiant battle with cancer. He was a professor in the University’s Department of Visual and Performing Arts for more than 25 years. An established artist whose realist paintings are reminiscent of 19-century transcendalism, he received a $19,000 grant in 1991 from the Pollock-Krasner Foundation Inc., which provides financial assistance to working artists of established ability. One of his works, “Homage to Thomas Cole: Morning After the Rain,” part of a series of dark urban landscapes he painted, was hanging in the World Trade Center at the time of the attacks on Sept. 11, 2001. Cole, who had a loft on Jay Street, had often admired the play of light and shadow on the towers from his apartment. He received a bachelor’s degree in fine arts from Empire State College and a master’s degree in fine arts from Columbia University, and was a diplomate of the Art Students League of New York. His family will hold a memorial gathering at his home, 657 Four Mile
Road, Allegany, at 2 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 13. All are invited to come and
celebrate Cole’s life as well as to see his numerous works of art.
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Click here to return to the top of the page _____________________ On Friday, Nov. 12, Lizz Campbell (’05 psychology) will present a poster describing her honors project at the 46th annual meeting of the Psychonomic Society in Toronto, Ontario. The presentation is titled “Behavior Guiding Perception: The Visual, Verbal and Haptic Reports of Trained and Untrained Observers.” Dr. David Carpenter supervised the project and is co-author on the poster. The research studied the ability of trained and untrained observers to accurately judge five different slopes using three different reporting modes. Training was found effective only in the verbal reporting condition for the 12.5:1 slope. The Psychonomic Society is the preeminent professional organization for research psychologists. Campbell graduated with honors from St. Bonaventure in May. •••
••• Dr. Chris Stanley, professor of theology, will present a paper titled “Quotations, Allusions, and Echoes: What Do They Tell Us About Ancient Literacy?” at the Seventh Biennial Conference on Orality and Literacy in the Ancient World in Auckland, New Zealand, July 4-8, 2006. The conference, which has been held at various cities around the world since its inception, coincides with the time when Stanley will be in Auckland to teach a course on “Israel in the Time of Jesus” at Tyndale Graduate School of Theology. ••• On Nov. 3, Dr. Charles Walker gave an invited talk to faculty, administration and staff of Valencia College in Orlando, Fla. The title of his talk was “Theory and Research on Human Flourishing: Implications for Understanding Student Well-Being.” With five campuses and over 15,000 students, Valencia is one of the largest community colleges in the United States. ••• Dr. Kimberly S. Young, associate professor of management sciences, had the article “An Empirical Examination of the Client Attitudes towards Online Counseling” published in CyberPsychology & Behavior. As the field of online therapy grows, this article examined 48 online clients and their attitudes toward the delivery of mental health services over the Internet. Results suggested that Caucasian, middle-aged males with at least a four-year bachelor’s degree were most likely to use online counseling services, and anonymity of service, convenience of sessions, and the quality of the counselor credentials were the most cited reasons they sought online counseling over in-office treatment. Click here to return to the top of the page _____________________
Date: Friday, Nov.
11 Click here to return to the top of the page