Bonventure's College
Rules and Regulations
[Transcribed from hand written copy.]
Deus meus et omnia
Rules and Regulations
St. Bonaventure’s College
Week Days Seminary
5-30 Rising
6 Mass and Meditation
6 ¾ Breakfast
7-30 Study
9-30 Class
10-30 Study
11 ¼ Meditation
11-30 Dinner and Visit to the B. Sacrament
P.M. ________________
1 Study
3 Class
4 Recreation
5 Meditation
5 ¼ Class or Study
6-30 Supper and Visit to the B. Sacrament
7-30 Study
8-30 Rosary
9 Retirement
Lights extinguished
Department Sunday
6 Rising
7 Mass
7 ¾ Breakfast
9 Divine Office
10-30 High Mass
12 Dinner & Visit to the B. Sacrament
P.M. ___________
2 Class of Gregorian Chant
3 Sermon and Vespers
4 Common Walk
6 Study
6-30 Dinner and Visit to the B. Sacrament
7-30 Study
8-30 Rosary
9 Retirement
Lights extinguished
Week Days Collegiate
5-30 Rising
6 Mass
6 ¾ Breakfast
7-30 Study
8 Classes
9 Study
10-30 Classes
11-30 Dinner and Visit to the B. Sacrament
1 Study
2 Classes
3 Study
4 Recreation
5 Study
6-30 Supper and Visit to the B. Sacrament
7-30 Study
8 ¾ Rosary
Retire to rest in silence
Department Sunday
6 Rising
7 Mass
7 ¾ Breakfast
9-30 Study of Christian Doctrine
10-30 High Mass
12 Dinner & Visit to the B. Sacrament
2 Class of Christian Doctrine
3 Sermon & Vespers
4 Common Walk
6 Study
6-30 Supper and Visit to the B. Sacrament
7-30 Study
8-30 Rosary
9 Retire to rest in silence
1. Each student shall on first entering the College, present himself before the President, give his address, name and age, and the address of parents or guardians.
2. Students shall deposit their pocket money with the Treasurers, Bro. Joseph Butler for Seminary Dept. and Bro. Pamphilo Ennis for College Dept. who shall keep an exact account of money received and paid out. No money shall be forwarded by the College.
3. No student shall leave the College grounds, without permission of the President and without being accompanied by a Prefect.
4. To enter a Saloon, hotel or any place where intoxicating liquors are Sold, is subject to immediate expulsion.
5. Use of tobacco is prohibited.
6. No student shall buy on credit or borrow money without or within the College.
7. Noise, course manners, abusive language, obscene expressions shall be severely punished, on the other hand good manners and morals shall be rewarded.
8. Students shall not enter room or dormitory of others, nor shall College boys enter Seminary and vice versa. Neither shall they, without a special permission from the President, enter the Monastery.
9. Articles destroyed must be replaced and any damage on property shall be charged to perpetrator, if found out, if not to all.
10. Anything like intercourse with persons outside the College is forbidden under penalty of expulsion.
11. Visits to parents or friends during the scholastic year are against the Rules of the Institution.
12. Letters and parcels sent to or from the Students are subject to the inspection of the President. To keep private boxes, or receive or mail letters, papers, or parcels privately shall expose them to dismissal.
13. Thursday and Sunday are the days appointed for the common walk out of the College, none shall remain in the College without permission but all shall proceed in a body and keep strict order.
14. No deduction will be made from a session of five months except in a case of two months sickness or absolute dismissal.
15. Students will not be received for a shorter period than one session viz: for five months, and if they withdraw before its expiration, if special arrangements have not been made, the charges for the whole session will be exacted.
16. The Institution will not provide clothes, books, stationery,etc., unless money be deposited with the Treasurer – Br. Pamphilo Ennis.
17. Payment must be invariably made half yearly in advance.
18. Students shall attend Mass every morning.
19. Order shall be observed in going to and from the dining-room.
20. To be absent from the Refectory at the appointed time shall expose a student to be left without his meal.
21. Strict silence must be observed, recreation time excepted.
22. Students shall occupy the respective room, seat or desk, and shall be responsible for any injury thereof.
23. Bathing in the River is absolutely forbidden.
24. Students are not allowed to go beyond the limits of the playground. They are permitted, however, to walk along the bank of the River on Thursday and Sunday.
25. Students in bed shall not sit or lie on blankets.
26. College boys shall go to Confession the first Saturday of the month and receive Holy Communion on the Following Sunday. –Seminarians every Saturday and Eve of Holidays of obligation.
27. College boys shall rise at half past five, a.m. immediately after the words “Benedicamus Domino” are pronounced. They shall have twenty minutes for dressing, washing and arranging their beds, after which they shall repair to the Church, strict silence being observed.
No one shall be allowed to the dormitory after Mass, without a special permission, nor shall anyone be permitted to polish his shoes in the dormitory – Access can only be had to the trunk-room. Thursday A.M. from 7 ½ o’clock to 8. Saturday from 4 p.m. to 5.
28. Seminarians are obliged to sweep their rooms every day before 7 ½ a.m. and to keep them in a becoming order.
29. It is strictly forbidden to all the students to throw away anything from the windows.
30. College boys shall commence night prayers at a quarter to nine o’clock, after which, they shall all retire to the dormitory in perfect silence, which they shall observe until after Mass next morning.
31. Seminarians shall always wear Cassock, Roman Collar, and Biretta within premises of College, they shall wear the Roman Collar on the Common Walk, and surplice in public worship in the Church.
32. It is strictly required that the members of the Choir observe decorum and religious conduct during Divine Service.
33. Theologians shall write a sermon every month and hand it to the President the first day of every month.
34. Seminarians are bound to stay in their respective rooms during the hours of study, a departure from this rule, shall be severely punished.
35. Students must be here before the resuming of studies, any delay will not entitle them to any discount of pension.
Vacations shall be as follows: From Commencement day to the first
Monday of September; from the 22nd of December to the 1st of January; from Palm
Sunday to Easter Sunday; on all Holidays of obligation; on
37. The Institution will not be responsible for any valuables, such as watches, money etc. unless deposited with the Treasurer.
38. Students appointed to read shall occupy the reader’s chair in the dining room and read in their turn.
39. The breaking of any of the Rules shall be punished and reported to the parents, guardians or Bishops and shall forfeit any recommendation.
40. Library will be open every Thursday from 8 to 10 a.m. for reference only. – to withdraw a book from the Library is forbidden.
41. There shall be a Debating Society: Theologians and Philosophers shall be members of it. They shall have a President appointed by the President of the College. Secretary – Vice – President and the other officers elected by the Society.
42. Public Debates shall be held once a month in which the Theologians shall take their turn.
43. Students will observe these rules up to the last moment of their staying in the Institution.
44. Either in coming to or leaving the Institution, it is forbidden under penalty of expulsion to enter or visit any Hotel or house in town.
Feast of St. Rosa of Viterbo Sept. 1878
___ (signed) Leo da Saracena O.S.F.