Abou, Herve Yepie. Spiritual Practices at the Service of Evangelization. March 2013.
Bryson, Jared H. Contemplation in Action: Executive Formation & Servant Leadership in Catholic Health Care. March 2014.
Chambers, Francis E. The Spirituality of College Students with a Particular Focus on Students at Villanova University. November 2013.
Donahue, Pattrick J. Lay Ministry: An Expression of Catholic Spirituality. April 2013.
Earnest, Michelle S. Healing from teh Inside Out: A Deeper Look at The Spirituality of Healing. March 2014.
Havercamp, Michael. One Lord, One Body, One Mission: A Trinitarian Vision of Receptive Ecumenism and Missional Collaboration within the Whole Body of Christ. April 2015.
Higgins, Carol. Walking and Talking with Holy Partners. April 2014.
Hubbard, Mary Leanne. Catholic Young Adult Communal Discernment Module. August 2013.
Hwang, Paul Euihyeon. A Transformative Process of Diocesan Priests through Group Spiritual Direction. December 2013.
Kearney, Jerome R. Rooted in the Loving Ministry of Jesus as Healer: Implications for Leadership in Catholic Healthcare. March 2013.
Little, Thomas E. Discerning a Missional Strategy fro a Spiritual Center in the Bon Secours Tradition. March 2011.
Lorenstsen, Michael.
A "Kindling of the Soul" During La Experiencia Alvernia: An Examination of How St. Bonaventure's Major Legend of St. Francis Gives Meaning to the Spiritual Experience of Latino/a Young Adult Immigrants. April 2013.
Macalinao, Jimmy Hernandez. Towards Integrating Cultural and Spiritual Identities of Filipino American Catholic Teenagers.November 2013.
MacNew, James. Beyond Cognition: Incarnating Core Values. December 2013.
Marsh. Ivan. The Thirty Day Retreat in the Carmelite Tradition. May 2013.
Miller, Mary E. Pathways of Grace for God's Holy People. February 2014.
Mojzisek, John David. From Self Absorption to Self Transcendence: Feeding the Spiritual Hungers of Adolescents in a Secular World. April 2012.
Mostardi, Joseph S. The Restless Heart of the Emerging Adult: An Augustinian Perspective on Young Adult Spirituality. April 2013.
Pearce, Joseph F. The Spirituality of Saint Philip Neri and the Congregation of the Oratory. January 2013.
Pinataro, Thomas Anthony. The Courage to Preach: Images of God in the Ontological Theology of Paul Tillich. March 2014.
Quehl-Engel, Catherine. Deep Abiding: Praying, Living, and Loving from the Inside Out. March 2014.
Rivers, Robert E., III. Spiritual Formation for Wives of Permanent Deacons, Deacon Candidates, and Aspirants. March 2013.
Rogers, Cynthia Jane.
Integrating Interior Prayer with Ministerial Leadership Practice in the 21st Century. March 2015.
Schmidt, Thomas J. Understanding and Appropriating Vincentian Spirituality Today: Formation Training for Spiritual Advisors. December 2014.
Thornburg, Gloria Bailey. Hearts Centered in God: Creating a Deeper Awareness and Understanding of teh Spirituality of Catherine Mcauley in the Faculty and Staff of Assumption High School. May 2012. (2 copies)
Thornburg, Timothy M. Finding Christ in the Natural World: Creating a Deeper Awareness and Understanding of the Spirituality of St. Francis of Assisi in the Students at Bellarmine University. March 2013.
Tran, Hai Peter. Nourishing the Spiritual Life of Hospital Chaplains. March 2012.
Van Sickle, M. Eve. Finding God in all Things: Fostering Spiritual Engagement Through the Ignatian Practice of Examen. April 2013.
Weaver, Kendrick D. Missing Links: Connecting Methodists to the Discipline of Meditation. 2014.
Weaver, Margaret Raleigh. Spirituality of Dimishment. 2012.
Williams, Ann. A Contemplative Journey with Henri J. M. Nouwen. January 2013.
Wright, Carolyn A. Through Him, With Him and in Him: A Christology of RElevance for Spiritual Formation. March 2015.
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